Hi, I'm Sander van der Werf. I studied illustration, and a year graphic design, at Art Academy Minerva in Groningen, the Netherlands. As a big outdoors enthusiast, over the years I started to focus more on outdoor photography and less on making illustrations and wallpaintings. Consequently, I became specialised in outdoor-, travel-, landscape photography.
My photo's and articles have been published magazines like National Geographic Traveler (Dutch edition), special ‘Outdoor & Adventure’, Op Pad, Bergen Magazine, Columbus Magazine, Noorderland, Zoom, Outdoor Magazine and Hoogtelijn. Favourite subjects are landscapes, hiking, camping, and winter adventure. For the ‘Adventure’ serie of publisher Dominicus I made the hiking guide ‘Trekking in Zweden’.
Usually I work freelance, and photograph, shoot footage and tell visual stories for various Stock agencies. However, I also shoot commercially, and obviously I'm always interested in photography assignments. In- and outdoors!
I photograph and shoot video with a full frame Sony and work with Apple, Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC. Camera bags by Peak Design, F-Stop and ClikElite together with a Leofoto Ranger LS 254C tripod, a Glidetrack SD slider and LEE ND filters complement my gear.